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Monday, 23 January 2012


Whilst many will find a stroll in Baden’s KurPark has great allure
KurPark‘s very name tells us that some believe the Park has solely to do with exercise 

      or Kur
I think of this as I slowly climb the tree covered path named Beethoven Weg
Can KurPark merely mean to some the stretching of a leg
Do I hear the sound of special music whilst listening to birds in trees
Or is it merely the rustle of branches floating in the breeze
Shrines to Mozart & Beethoven are here in KurPark to be found
Perhaps that is why I listen to nature for such a special sound
I believe a visit to this Park may never leave one’s mind
Is it possible to write great music when one is deaf or blind
So all who love great beauty must to Baden‘s KurPark come
Understanding that health is as important to others as music is to some 

© Kenneth Campbell 2012
All rights reserved.

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