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Monday, 13 June 2011

Oh my God

Oh my God.  I can’t believe I did it.  I threw your letters away in the tide.  I found them last night stuffed behind the books that I had promised the Cancer Charity people who come round asking for stuff to resell.  I just thought I’d give them some books, but then your letters fell out of that old dictionary that you and I used to read for fun.

Do you remember testing each other on words, trying to find old meanings? What about ‘dinner’?  Do you remember?  ‘Dinner without grace – antenuptial sexual intercourse’. Who would have thought it?

My Dear, I re-read your letters and wish I hadn’t.  I came down here last night, and tossed them one by one into the waves, crying as I did it for all that we lost.

Now, as I stand here looking at the sands, I realise that, foolishly, I have lost you yet again.  My dear, I am just so very sorry.

© Penny Smale 2011
All rights reserved

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