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Tuesday, 7 June 2011

Creative Writing Tip from Eric Maisel

If you need to give your creativity a quick boost – and let’s face it who doesn’t from time to time – then there is a wonderful exercise I often use which comes from the wonderfully explicit and ‘does what it says on the cover’ book by Eric Maisel. Title is The Creativity Book and I highly recommend it to all my creative coaching clients – and anyone else who wants to expand their thinking into shapes other than the ubiquitous box.

It couldn’t be simpler: you ask yourself an interesting question and then you try to answer it. No restrictions or ‘shoulds’ allowed, just let your mind run free and have fun with it. I spent a happy 15 minutes asking myself the question “if you never completely empty a kettle and just top it up daily how long before the original drops of water in there are completely gone?” And I imagine, and hope, you will come up with something a lot more interesting than that.

Try it and see.

from Creative Catalyst 

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