Committed writers dedicated to working together to produce excellent poems, short stories, drama, life writing, and creative non-fiction

Why not contact us for more details about our small, mutually supportive monthly meetings? Don't be shy. No need to be brave!

Sheila 01823 67 28 46

Valerie 01884 84 04 22

Wednesday, 21 January 2015

Breaking news

Middle-class cocoon,
listening to Radio 4.

she announced.
Curious word?

Distant tropical sea-bed
arched by subterranean quake,
water wall avalanche
erupts on halcyon shores,
wielding drowned destruction.

Unfathomable loss:
more women than men,
more children still.
Ship beached miles inland,
incongruous in memoriam.

Laundry stashed, fragrant,
in airing cupboard.

© Helen McIntosh
All rights reserved

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