Committed writers dedicated to working together to produce excellent poems, short stories, drama, life writing, and creative non-fiction

Why not contact us for more details about our small, mutually supportive monthly meetings? Don't be shy. No need to be brave!

Sheila 01823 67 28 46

Valerie 01884 84 04 22

Sunday, 19 October 2014

Breaking up the Union

Death to the dictator,
      the power-glutton thief!

We'll march through streets and buildings
     smash the icons crowd the squares
     scorning guns and tear-gas
We'll destroy the scheming bears.

We'll hoist the flag of freedom
     and justice will be done.
I'll lead you to nirvana, yes,
I'll be the promised one.

Death to the dictator!

© Sheila Rogers
All rights reserved

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