Committed writers dedicated to working together to produce excellent poems, short stories, drama, life writing, and creative non-fiction

Why not contact us for more details about our small, mutually supportive monthly meetings? Don't be shy. No need to be brave!

Sheila 01823 67 28 46

Valerie 01884 84 04 22

Tuesday, 22 April 2014

Captain Zaharie Ahmad Shah.

You sir, so long a St Christopher of the skies,
what overcame you?
Illness, exhaustion, some alien, evil force that seized up the works?
Or a passing distraction, fear, despair that sent you soaring, numbed,
then falling, drifting, sinking, hope drowned?
Rest in Peace, Captain Zaharie, you and the 238.

© Sheila Rogers
All rights reserved

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