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Monday, 17 June 2013


I am thinking of your eyes looking into mine
The pair of emeralds that truly make me pine
My thoughts then wander to your golden hair
I imagine your golf club swinging through the air
Today I woke to see the springtime snow-drops glisten
Do I hear the softness of your voice; do I really listen
Is that your breath; so soft as only I can feel
I smile…for I am feeling everything; not least your zeal
 I even feel the purr and gentleness of your snoring
And laugh… for life with you is never, ever boring
In truth, you were in my mind throughout last night
Again I had those special feelings…so right; so right
To some a break away may be very well
To others it’s a cause for pining, and only they can tell

© Kenneth Campbell
All rights reserved

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